Greetings dear friends,
I’m Bruce Collins. I am an evangelist and teacher of the Bible. I became a child of God by faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ on November 24, 1963 and have tried to serve the Lord in various capacities since then. I am presently a self-employed minister of the Gospel. I do not work for an organization but I try to serve the Lord in the best way that I can wherever He leads. That means that my wife and I have our financial needs met by the Lord as we do not have a salary from any church or organization. We believe that the Gospel is free so we have never made a charge for our services.
I am available for Bible studies, conferences, Gospel meetings, children’s meetings and camp work. I have traveled throughout much of the United States and Canada in my service for the Lord. My wife helps me, and we attend the Bethany Bible Chapel in Cedar Falls, Iowa. They have encouraged us by commending us for this work.
My wife, Geneva and I live in Waterloo, Iowa. We have four children. One of them is married and has provided us with two grandchildren.
This web site has a weekly meditation that I hope will encourage you. It has links to literature and organizations that I think are helpful. You can also listen to my weekly radio program here.
Yours because of Calvary,
Bruce Collins
4008 University Ave., Ste 1
Waterloo, IA 50701-5651
If you would like to read a classic Gospel Tract called GOD’S WAY OF SALVATION go here
For another classic Gospel Tract called God is Satisfied! Are You go here
For Important Personal Scriptures go here
For an open letter to my friends and neighbors go here
For the story of how I was saved go here
For the story of how my wife was saved go here
For the story of Merlyn VandeKrol–You Have About a Year to live! (a friend who died from cancer) go here
For the Rest of the Story–Merlyn’s Wife Karen go here
For answers to questions that I have been asked go here
For a women’s perspective on head coverings go here
For a manual on how to preach the Gospel that has been used with camp counselors go here
For a published article on FAITh, What is it? go here
For the story of the George Street Evangelist go to George Street
For links to other helpful websites go here
For the On-Line Blue Letter Bible go here
For the On-Line Bible Studies Tool go here
Bruce and Geneva
Meditate on These Things
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally (in conclusion), brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Philippians 4:6-8 NKJV)
We live in tumultuous times.
We have earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, tornados, winter blizzards and extremely cold weather. We have new plagues and old plagues that are becoming increasingly deadly. We have friends who say that they love the Lord but cannot remember a time (not necessarily a date) when they passed from death to life. I am anxious as a Gospel preacher because making sure that I have been faithful to those who are my friends but who have no recollection of ever being lost, leaves me anxious with regard to my faithfulness to them and to the Lord.
It is no wonder that many of us get up in the morning with a knot in our stomachs wondering what new calamity will happen today. And it is all because most of us deny the truth of the Scripture that tells us to be anxious for nothing. We want the peace of God that passes understanding. But we forget that only prayer and supplications made with thanksgiving will guard our hearts AND minds through Christ Jesus. Of course this promise is made to those who have repented (changed their minds about whatever is hindering them from believing the Gospel) and who have believed or trusted in Christ. Most of us who have been saved have no question about the promise of God that tells us that Christ died for our sins and that believing in Him gives us eternal life which includes the blessing of a home in heaven. But I freely confess that my guardian angel has to work overtime because I have trouble committing my way to the Lord. Depending on Him instead of depending on myself is a challenge and becomes more and more of a challenge the older I get.
Proper Meditation
When we look at the things on which we are to meditate, only meditating on the Lord will allow us to meditate properly. The virtues listed are only found completely in the Lord.
We have Tools to Help us with Anxiety
We have the seal of the Holy Spirit if we are saved, we have the promises of Scripture, we have angels that minister to us, we have fellowship with other saved believers to encourage us when we are struggling. But most of all we have the the Apostle Paul reminding us, "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39 NKJV)." While it would be easy to say that we need no help from the medical profession if we are biologically disposed to anxiety or have PTSD because of great trauma in our lives, I have no problem with getting professional help if we need help. However, the Lord's promise to guard our hearts and minds cannot be left out of the equation if we want the peace of God.
Now that I have turned off the news and have quit allowing my phone's alerts to distract me, and have opened my Bible–I feel better already.
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly (suddenly).” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20 NKJV)
Bruce Collins
Meditation for the week of February 16, 2025
If you would like further conversation about the issues in these meditations, contact me at and I will try to accommodate you with a virtual Bible Study.
My Two Cents Worth Videos, you can subscribe to this channel.
- December 29, 2024, Meet Me There
- December 22, 2024, The Name of Jesus
- December 15, 2024, People Who Are Troubled
- December 8, 2024, One God and One Mediator
- December 1, 2024, Oh That Men Would Give Thanks to the Lord
- November 24, 2024, The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
- November 17 2024, It is Too Simple
- November 10, 2024, How Shall We Escape?
- November 3, 2024, That Day
- October 27, 2024, That You May Know
- October 20, 2024, The Just Shall Live by Faith
- October 13, 2024, Evil
- October 6, 2024, The Gospel Supper
- September 29, 2024, Faithful Saying
- September 22, 2024, Repent
- September 15, 2024, Forgiveness
- September 8, 2024, Almost Persuaded
- September 1, 2024, Come for Rest (Labor Day)
- August 25, 2024, Has--Present Possession
- August 18, 2024, The Equal Sign
- August 11, 2024, The Message--Nicodemus
- August 4, 2024, The Message
- July 28, 2024, The Word
- July 21, 2024, The Lion
- July 14, 2024, The Lamb
- July 7, 2024, Cross
- June 30, 2024, Blood
- June 23, 2024, Redemption
- June 16, 2024, Sin, Father's Day
- June 9, 2024, Sorrow
- June 2, 2024, Door
- May 26, 2024, Paradise, Memorial Day
- May 19, 2024, Eternity
- May 12, 2024, Trust, Mother's day
- May 5, 2024, Come
- April 28, 2024, Look
- April 21, 2024, Blood
- April 14, 2024, Joy
- April 7, 2024, Repent
- March 31, 2024, Unbelievable, Easter Sunday
- March 24, 2024, Prophecy, Palm Sunday
- March 17, 2024, New
- March 10, 2024, Mercy
- March 3, 2024, Grace, the Free Gift Continued
- February 25, 2024, Grace, the Free Gift
- February 18, 2024, Saved from What, For What
- February 11, 2024, Lost, Perishing, Useless
- February 4, 2024, Faith in the Truth
- January 28, 2024, Hope vs No Hope
- January 21, 2024, Trusting and not Worrying
- January 14, 2024, Heeding the Warnings
- January 7, 2024, Once Upon a Time
- December 31, 2023, God Gives Each of us a Gift for Service
- December 24, 2023, God Gives Eternal Life
- December 17, 2023, God Gave Living Water
- December 10, 2023, God Gave His Son
- December 3, 2023, Pleasing God
- November 26, 2023, Repeat of 11/27/22
- November 19, 2023, God Speaking
- November 12, 2023, Recap:Law vs Grace
- November 5, 2023, Don't Covet
- October 29, 2023, Don’t Bear False Witness
- October 22, 2023, Don’t Steal
- October 15, 2023, Don’t Commit Adultery
- October 8, 2023, Don’t Murder
- October 1, 2023, Honor Father and Mother
- September 24, 2023, The Day of Rest
- September 17, 2023, No Irreverence
- September 10, 2023, No Idols
- September 3, 2023, No Other Gods
- August 27, 2023, Law
- August 20, 2023, Fruit of the Spirit
- August 13, 2023, Prince of Peace
- August 6, 2023, Everlasting Father
- July 30, 2023, Almighty
- July 23, 2023, Counselor
- July 16, 2023, Morning Star
- July 9, 2023, Beloved
- July 2, 2023, Birthdays
- June 25, 2023, Worm
- June 18, 2023, Branch and Vine
- June 11, 2023, King
- June 4, 2023, Priest
- May 28, 2023, Prophet
- May 21, 2023, Replay 060219
- May 14, 2023, Replay 051219
- May 7, 2023, Replay 052619
- April 30, 2023, Replay 051919
- April 23, 2023, Replay050519
- April 16, 2023, Replay042619
- April 9, 2023, Resurrection Sunday (replay)
- April 2, 2023, Friend
- March 26, 2023, Servant
- March 19, 2023, Redeemer
- March 12, 2023, King
- March 5, 2023, Man
- February 26, 2023, Light
- February 19, 2023, Love
- February 12, 2023, Christ
- February 5, 2023, Savior
- January 29, 2023, Lord Lord
- January 22, 2023, Holy
- January 15, 2023, Meek
- January 8, 2023, Ready and Suddenly
- January 1, 2023, New, New Years
- December 25, 2022, Peace, Christmas
- December 18, 2022, Sin and Sinners
- December 11, 2022, Glory
- December 4, 2022, Truth
- November 27, 2022, My Thanksgiving Story
- November 20, 2022, Be Anxious for Nothing
- November 13, 2022, The Lord as the Altogether Lovely One
- November 6, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord Encamps around Believers
- October 30, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Joshua the High Priest)
- October 23, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (King David)
- October 16, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Elijah)
- October 9, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Gideon)
- October 2, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Balaam)
- September 25, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Moses)
- September 18, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Abraham)
- September 11, 2022, The Lord as the Angel of the Lord (Hagar)
- September 4, 2022, The Lord as the Vine, Labor Day
- August 28, 2022, The Lord as the Resurrection and the Life
- August 21, 2022, The Lord as the Door
- August 14, 2022, The Lord as the Way the Truth the Life
- August 7, 2022, The Lord as the Shepherd
- July 31, 2022, The Lord as the Man of Sorrows
- July 24, 2022, The Lord as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
- July 17, 2022, The Lord as the Everexisting One
- July 10, 2022, The Lord as the Rock
- July 3, 2022, The Lord as Captain of our Salvation, Independence Day
- June 26, 2022, The Lord as a Marvelous Counselor
- June 19, 2022, The Lord as a Good Son to a Pleased Fathers, Father's day
- June 12, 2022, The Lord as Immanuel
- June 5, 2022, The Lord as Living Water
- May 29, 2022, The Lord as Bread and Wine
- May 22, 2022, The Lord as Bread from Heaven
- May 15, 2022, The Lord as the LIght
- May 8, 2022, The Lord’s Mother, Mother's Day
- May 1, 2022, The Lord as a Lamb (Our Sacrifice)
- April 24, 2022, The Lord, He Comes to Judge
- April 17, 2022, The Lord, Hearburn, Easter
- April 10, 2022, The Lord, High and Lifted Up
- April 3, 2022, The Lord, Some of His Titles
- March 27, 2022, The Lord, Fulfilled Prophecy
- March 20, 2022, The Lord, The Expression of God
- March 13, 2022, Dorcas and Lydia, Showed their faith by their works
- March 6, 2022, Phoebe and Priscilla, Key Helpers
- February 27, 2022, Martha, a True Servant
- February 20, 2022, Mary of Bethany, Anointed the Lord for His Burial
- February 13, 2022, Mary Magdalene, A Devoted Worshiper
- February 6, 2022, Bathsheba, A Picture of God’s Grace
- January 30, 2022, Hannah, a Woman of Prayer
- January 23, 2022, Deborah, the Judge
- January 16, 2022, Miriam, the Prophetess
- January 9, 2022, Sarah, Noble Woman
- January 2, 2022, Eve, First Mother
For Archived Radio Programs go here
For Archived Meditations go here
Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.' (John 3:7 NKJV)
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15 NKJV)
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."
(Acts 4:12 NKJV)